Friday 21 November 2008

Blogging away my experiences in the next 12 months

I have set this blog up to make me accountable while I'm on board the Financial Fitness mentorship for the next 12 months with Dax Moy

We have just started this week and I already know I've got to make some changes to my diary so that I can make the most out of this program and be the success that I want to be.

Not just because I want to make money....because I do. I want to be well off and do all the things that I want to do, to travel more and just to take more time off and know that my business is working for me and not just the other way round.

More importantly, I have something to offer that will help tens, to hundreds to thousands of people. I can add value to their lives but right now I am not doing that because of ?????

By that I mean I thought it was all marketing.

Afterall, if people are at least not aware of you, how the hell are they gonna come looking for you and say I want to be coached by this guy.

It's become more and more apparent that the journey I'm making is gonna be alot more than advertising and clever technical ploys to increase awareness and response rates and conversions.

No, this is gonna cover or uncover me as a person, what I believe in, what are my values and what my purpose is

So , I need to keep on track and perform my tasks on a daily basis and that starts here with Excellence. How do I see it, picture it, how do I perform it etc.

And this is gonna be part of it, my diary for the next 12 months. If anyone else reads it and it helps them then great but I've initially started this for me only.

Right now I'm behind schedule - I have homework to do and get back to Dax asap.

As said, you only get paid for getting done so over the days prior to our next call I have these things to do

  • Complete the excellence script asap
  • Listen to both calls again
  • Listen/watch/read the excellence material each day - imprint it into my psyche
  • Get my new laptop running and loaded for upgrade - My excellent PC
  • Think about other changes I can make on top of ones already made to bleed excellence
  • Realise what is going wrong
  • Decide what right looks like
DO IT!!!!

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